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Shanghai FUSCO Inter’l Trading Co.,Ltd

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特色轧辊Custom Rolls(cu-alloy pipe)

         我公司能够提供铜管行星轧制轧辊,特殊热处理工艺、国产优质材料、独到成型预处理与精细数控加工工艺保证。目前我公司生产的轧机轧辊已在知名铜管企业使用多年,客户反映效果良好 ,稳定性优良。另外,我们可以根据客户目前轧辊使用情况,特色轧辊,特别是铜管、铝箔等有色轧制轧辊的失效分析及强化处理。

我公司从材料选用等各工艺环节分析提供优化方案,将热处理设计及强化技术用于丝杠、轴承、活塞环、硬岩破岩刀圈等功能部件处理,微变形量、高强韧性、高耐磨与长寿命。欢迎来图、 来单合作。

        Custom rolls for copper-alloy-tube forming through our special heat treatment,using first level tool steels in China and quality controlled machining.

        Our speciality lies in the works stability of the rolls against crack and wear,and further on we could analyse the failures of the rolls and find solution for optimising.

       Besides rools we could apply our technology of special heat treament of metal materials for strengthening of parts and tools such as screws,bearing,piston rings,TBM cutterring for hard rock working,less deformation,high strength,super wear ability and long life time. 



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